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'In the Universe truth or untruth can't exist, because only reality is real.'

We designed two equations to measure and predict functionality or dysfunctionality.

'All it takes is information'

Download the article which features in Nexus Mag

Download this article published in Nexus Magazine in Australia in Feb.2024

A General Law of  Functionality

¬p(m-(i ≡ e))>r→ ∆S   

social disorder/entropy/dysfunctionality

probability = 1

   √p(m+(i ≡ e))≤r→J

 social order/negentropy/functionality

probability = 1

¬p /√p  false or correct perception depends on understanding how natural systems function

m-(i ≡ e)>r→ ∆S    (malfunction)

m+(i ≡ e)≤ r→ J  (function)

Symbols: p=perception, m=mass, i=information, e=energy, r=reality, ≡ equivalence

Einstein's Special Relativity Theory e=mc2 can now be upgraded by including information, as follows: e=mic2

'Information Deficit distorts semantic meaning and dissipates physical energy required for optimal performance and functionality of all living systems.'

Information Deficit Paradox

Disinformation to obtain the undeserved for competitive advantage consumes the energy which would have been needed to obtain the undeserved.

Ethics is information too and is physical. Without ethics, optimal functioning becomes impossible.

Introducing the 1st Element and the 5th State of Matter

'NOTITIA' (Latin for Information) (Symbol: No)

"Every elementary particle in de universe carries information about itself in itself" (Melvin Vopson)

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