A General Law of Functionality, VanCampen's Law©
A peer reviewed scientific article was published in the Journal of Information Physics Institute on Dec. 12, 2024 which you may download
Two Algorithms to measure and predict
(m-i) > r→ ∆S > 0 (malfunction)
(m+i) ≤ r→ J > 0
m = mass/matter; everything you see that has mass: government, business, a city, society, etc.
i = information how to live within mass/matter (one can’t walk through a closed door)
r = day to day reality (realimiteit or truth) as being experienced and accepted.
The symbol ∆S means disorder, entropy, malfunction. J stands for negentropy, order, function.
VanCampen's Law is not new, but the oldest scientific principle.
All life, including people are programmed by the universe to thrive through optimal information (truth).
This principle can't be escaped because nature forbids it.
The equations highlight the danger of imbalance between material systems and accurate information
required to sustain them within reality's constraints.