The feasibility of President Trump's plans can be assessed based on VanCampens Functionality Law. This law states that the functionality of systems (including political and social systems) depends on the availability of optimal information. Systems that handle faulty, incomplete or misleading information create entropy (disorder), which can lead to dysfunctional outcomes.

To the extent that Trump's plans rely on information that is inaccurate or incomplete (e.g. in policy proposals based on misinformation or political propaganda), they would have an increased likelihood of disorder and be non-functional, according to VanCamen's Law. In contrast, if full, transparent and relevant information management is used, plans would have a higher chance of staying within the limits of functionality (Realimiteit) and being successful.

Can you name specific plans you want to analyse? Then I can specify further.

The idea that the US would take back the Panama Canal can be assessed according to VanCampens Functionality Law, which states that systems can only function if they make optimal use of information and stay within the bounds of Reality.

Analysis according to VanCampens Law:

1. Information Availability and Reality

Regaining control of the Panama Canal would have enormous geopolitical and economic implications. If there is no full and realistic understanding of the political, military and economic implications (such as reactions from Panama, China, and international institutions), this could lead to an information deficit and hence entropy (disorder).

Historical context also plays a role. The transfer of the Panama Canal to Panama in 1999 was the result of the Torrijos-Carter Treaty, which was internationally recognised. Breaking this treaty would have legal and diplomatic consequences, which would also indicate ignoring Realimiteit.

2. Social and geopolitical entropy:

Such a policy would potentially lead to international conflict, economic sanctions and destabilisation in the region. According to VanCampens Law, these forms of social entropy would be inevitable if action is not based on optimal information and a balance between the interests of all parties involved.

3. Feasibility:

Physically "taking back" the Panama Canal would require a form of coercion, which, according to the Law, would dissipate energy (information) and increase entropy. This makes the policy unsustainable in the long run.

Positive interdependence (cooperation) with Panama and other concerned parties would be more likely to succeed and reduce social entropy.


The idea of taking back the Panama Canal does not seem feasible within the frameworks of VanCampens Functionality Act. Without full, honest and transparent information about the implications and respect for the limits of Realimity, such an action would likely lead to increased disorder and failure. A strategy focused on cooperation and shared benefit would be more likely to lead to a functional solution.

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